Saba Island, the Unspoiled Queen of the Caribbean – Home of Mt. Scenery, the potentially active volcano…And we hiked to the top! It has not erupted since 1640, so it was a safe bet…but you never know nowadays!
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How on Earth do I get there?
On our vacation to St. Martin, we took a day trip to Saba Island- Dutch Caribbean. A 15 minute plane ride, or 1.5 hour ferry ride away, lies one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen and I wish I had more than just one day to explore it.

We also chose to fly because we were told that the ferry was not as reliable and it was very rocky. Of course we also learned that if the winds weren’t favorable, the plane wouldn’t take off. So, it was very possible we would be stuck on Saba- How exciting!
Shortest Runway in the World
Do you know what else is exciting? How Saba has the shortest runway in the world. Did we know that before flying? Not really. So that was an experience I won’t soon forget. I watched the pilot do his magic on landing and take off. He had to slow down enough before landing, so we were just paused in the air for a while, so that we could land on that TINY runway below.

Taking off from this runway, the small plane had to start all the way at one end. It went as fast as it could to the end of the runway where it FELL FROM THE SKY until it picked up wind. Yes, it felt like we were in an elevator that decided to plummet. I guess that is just how things are done around here! It was surreal to say the least.

We landed on this beautiful island and it looks barely touched. So many islands now have bright lights and lots of infrastructure, but Saba was different. Sure there were lights, cute Dutch homes, electricity and roads…well Road, singular, as in one main road that goes around the island. I could tell why Saba Island is called the Unspoiled Queen of the Caribbean.

Let’s get this Adventure started!
We took a cab to the trail head, made sure we brought water and a snack with us, and began our hike up Mt. Scenery. There are many other trails, and I wish I could have done them all, but because we only had time for one, we had to make it this one!

We took our time hiking and took a few water breaks. I felt like sweat was pouring out of my pores like Niagara falls. Round trip it took us 3.5-4 hours to fully enjoy the hike and soak in everything around us. The trail was mostly carved steps and it was slippery from the rain the previous night (I definitely slipped 3 times, but my man caught me every time!). We saw beautiful flowers, trees, views, and some wild roosters on the loose.

The Summit

At the top, we were slightly disappointed to discover that the main views at the peak were covered by thick clouds and fog. Apparently we didn’t pick a great day. But we didn’t let that stop us from realizing how peaceful it was up here. No one else was around and we could only hear the wind and our breathing. We were quite literally, in the clouds, on top of a volcano, alone (with our rooster friend). What I thought would just be a great hike, turned into something more- a learning experience for me and my favorite person. We discovered this new place together and went through the pretty intense challenge of hiking through mud on steep paths- helping each other stay on our own two feet along the way, being a great team.

It’s so important to remember that there are other things out in the world besides work and the gym. We live on a beautiful planet, regardless of the negativity that seems to be growing in the world. And sometimes you just have to escape that reality and travel to where King Kong lives! (Saba is the backdrop for Skull island in the original 1933 King Kong movie, fun fact!)
Now…how to get down this Mountain without slipping to my demise.

The Descent
Upon the descent, we stubbled across the Ecolodge for lunch and a walk around the grounds. It would be a cool, environmentally friendly place to stay next time we came back to Saba! The owners were from White Plains and Queens New York too, believe it or not, however it has been recently sold. I hope it is in good hands again! However, there are other many cool places to stay and rent out as well.

Saba has no beaches, so it isn’t very popular for people heading to the Caribbean. But what is does have, is one of the best places to scuba dive if you have your certifications!
Saba is most known for its submerged offshore pinnacles. Divers can explore a blend of coral encrusted volcanic structures including boulders, crests, apexes, and lava tubes.
Visit this website to learn more about diving in Saba